Have you ever been told that ecommerce is a world of lollipops where the sun always shines and dreams come true? Do you imagine that setting up an online store is something like opening a profile on a social network? NEIN! WRONG! This is a jungle! A battlefield, where you will learn that survival is expensive and where you will learn to pay.
First of all, before anything else, you have to identify what you have to fight, that is, who are your enemies, but that’s what we are for, thanks to our experience setting up stores and helping to cure the sticks that many stores have been taking, we have learned to identify them in a moment.
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Low investment

This is the typical enemy of any video game: our own eagerness to do everything fast in a medium we don’t know . It is a foolish death, sponsored by ignorance of the market and ways of doing things.
It is true that you can set up an online store from very little money, but that does not mean that you can have a real ecommerce, if not only, an online store on a server … then you have to do everything else. In addition to the initial investment in creating an online store, you have to promote it. SEO, SEM, Social Media, Content Marketing… Get used to the idea that the investment in digital marketing will be constant. The smaller the budget invested in creating and promoting the store, the more difficult it will be to break through and achieve stability.
Don’t be clumsy
If the visitor finds an unstructured page, not very usable, with a confusing navigation menu, unintuitive categories, and poorly adapted to mobile navigation … we can take and close the store, because we are not going to sell practically nothing.
This is one of the reasons why it is worth investing when creating an online store. Make sure that the design or theme chosen is designed for e-Commerce,and that it is perfectly adaptable to all types of screens. It is true that not all types of e-commerce have the same opening rate on mobile than others, but it is simply that it has already become something that you can not afford not to contemplate. At least it should be usable.
The checkout process should be as simple and intuitive as possible. A good way to identify problems is to conduct usability tests. Ask your family and friends to try your store, and tell you about their experience. The doubts, the problems, the degree of difficulty they had, etc. Obviously, the best thing to do is to hire a company to audit your ecommerce.
Poor warehouse management
In general, an online store is not just a website. Behind the curtain is the storage, logistics, distribution… One of the most delicate aspects for an ecommerce is the stock control. If you order too many products and don’t sell, you stop the flow of money. If you do not cover the demand of your products with the orders, you risk losing customers who will leave with their money to another store.
If the e-Commerce is going to require storage tasks, stock control, etc., it is advisable to employ professionals with experience in warehouse management, as it will make the task much easier and will reduce the workload.
Overwhelming competition

If the niche where you want to set up is full of competitors well positioned and well considered by users, the necessary investment may be excessive considering the chances of success. Facing e-commerce giants such as Amazon or e-Bay can be complicated for certain types of products, and it is worth knowing this in advance.
On the other hand, the smaller e-commerce players have some competitive advantages. They adapt faster to market changes and are often more specialized in their product range. Market research should also assess these data positively.
Too little information
You should provide as much additional information as necessary to dispel all the doubts that arise during the purchasing process. The FAQ or “frequently asked questions” section is also important, which you should prepare carefully, anticipating possible doubts.
However, if your purchase process is complex, no matter how much information you provide, it will have a negative impact on sales. Guide the user with information.
Hidden or too small prices will not help you. The cost of your products is, for obvious reasons, one of the aspects that most influence the purchase decision. The user must be able to quickly locate, at a glance, the price of your goods.
These are 5 of the possible enemies that you will encounter in your ecommerce odyssey Do you think any of them are missing? Don’t hesitate to let us know.

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