Among the possibilities that exist when it comes to marketing a product or service, a specific model is gaining special importance: the subscription model. Basically, the thing is that instead of charging your customers individually for each product, what you offer them is a subscription service with a series of monthly possibilities to purchase products, […]
What are Hooks in PrestaShop and How they work
Like every ecommerce management platform, PrestaShop has endless functions that you can juggle within your online store. One of these things are called “hooks”. Today we will see what hooks are in PrestaShop, what types there are and where you can find them. Table of contents1 What is a Hook in PrestaShop?2 Types of Hooks2.1 […]
Marketing in your ecommerce shipments
Table of contents1 Marketing the shipments of your online store’s orders1.1 Discount coupons1.2 Free merchandise inside the shipment1.3 Surprise details1.4 Cross selling: collaborate with other companies or online stores1.5 Capturing customer feedback1.6 Store product catalog1.7 A handwritten note2 More marketing in your ecommerce shipments – The Packaging3 THE PACKAGING3.1 Design and colours3.2 Communication3.3 Information3.4 The […]
Your online shop’s homepage
Table of contents1 OUR HOMEPAGE1.1 Design1.2 Basic content1.3 Promotional content OUR HOMEPAGE The homepage of any website tells the customer everything they need to know, and it’s even more important if it’s an ecommerce, because you’re trying to sell them something. Even if we have a good SEO and our customers get directly to category […]
Guide to integrate a WordPres Blog into PrestaShop
In this post I’m going to explain what options we have to add a blog in PrestaShop and how to integrate it into your PrestaShop online store, focusing on the WordPress option. This is necessary not only because having a corporate blog for an E-commerce is important, we’ll talk about this later, – although if […]
Best payment methods for your Ecommerce
Table of contents1 PAYMENT METHODS1.1 VIRTUAL POS1.2 BANK TRANSFER1.3 PAYPAL1.4 CASH ON DELIVERY1.5 DIRECT DEBIT1.6 PAYMENT AND COLLECTION IN STORE1.7 OTHER LESS USED PAYMENT METHODS PAYMENT METHODS Unless you’ve spent a decade (at least) holed up in a cave and 200 km away from the nearest town, you’ve probably had more than enough contact with […]
The best offline advertising options for an ecommerce business
Offline advertising is a form of advertising that doesn’t use digital channels, but we see it every day in our physical environment, such as billboards, television commercials, magazines, radio spots… These formats are becoming more and more common, so that online shops of all sizes advertise their services on television or in the written press. […]
What is and how will be the AliExpress “Single’s Day”?
November 11th is getting closer and closer, which as we know is Singles’ Day, and this day has a vital importance for e-commerce, since a large number of online stores celebrate this date one of the biggest sales campaigns of the year. AliExpress is one of the largest and most famous shopping portals in China […]
How Google Search Console can help your ecommerce
When we have an online store, what we want is to appear in the search engine results, so that potential customers see us and buy our products. And what better way to achieve this than using a tool of Google itself, such as Google Search Console? It’s surprising how many small online businesses don’t take […]
What is Phishing? Keys and how to avoid it
The Internet is a fantastic tool in many ways, however, it also has its drawbacks and dangers. One of them is the rise of a new type of crime, called cybercrime. Among the attacks carried out by cybercriminals is Phishing. If you want to know what Phishing is, some examples and the keys to avoid […]
The best platforms for email marketing of your ecommerce
Table of contents1 EMAIL MARKETING2 EMAIL MARKETING PLATFORMS2.1 Mailchimp2.2 Aweber2.3 Campaign Monitor2.4 Doppler2.5 Mailrelay2.6 E-goi.2.7 Acumbamail2.8 MDirector2.9 Benchmark Email2.10 Mailify EMAIL MARKETING I remember a handful of years ago, when social networks started with force and much noise in the virtual world, that all the famous marketing experts predicted the end of email marketing, arguing […]
Learn what Flash Sales are
You’ve probably already heard about about what are flash sales or flash offers, in this article I want to show you the real origin of this practice and why its effectiveness is so good that all the big companies use it. Table of contents1 What are flash sales?2 How and when to make flash sales?3 […]
Alternative payment modules: Why?
There are still countries ir specific targets (by age, mostly) who, in these days, are still afraid to buy on the internet, especially when it comes to giving their bank or economic data, or simply their credit card number. They fear that someone (“a hacker”) can get those data, and empty their bank account. For […]
What to put on the “about us” page?
Table of contents1 WHO’S BEHIND THE COUNTER?1.1 Mission or vision1.2 Extensive product selection1.3 Characteristics of the shipment1.4 Consumer protection WHO’S BEHIND THE COUNTER? One of the great forgotten parts of ecommerce, and of the web world in general, is the “about us” page. Because of laziness or because they don’t give it much importance, most […]
What is SEM: types and differences with SEO
When it comes to reaching our target audience, there are different ways to do it. And one of them is through SEM or Search Engine Marketing. But, do we know what SEM is and everything it really entails? Are you exploiting all its possibilities? Where do we place it in relation to SEO? In this […]
How to improve your ecommerce shipping
Table of contents1 Initial considerations about shipping for e-commerce2 E-commerce shipping, the most important things to take into account2.1 Negotiating rates2.2 Elements that you have to include in each shipment (no matter what)2.3 Inform the customer at all times3 Conclusion Initial considerations about shipping for e-commerce Shipping is one of the most important parts of […]
What is Twitter Blue? We tell you all about this Premium mode
Twitter is a Social Network famous for its dynamism and brevity when communicating with other users. However, since its interesting beginnings, we have not seen it evolve drastically, becoming one of the least daring in terms of new features. With Twitter Blue, we can finally see something new in the social network of the famous […]
What is m-commerce? Pros and cons
Nowadays, we all carry a mobile phone with us. Mainly for social networks or to look for information about something we need. But increasingly, there are users who opt to make purchases from their phone. Broadly speaking, this is m commerce or mobile commerce. That is, it is e-commerce from mobile devices: the sale and […]
TOP 5 Instagram Mistakes
We already know that being present on Instagram is a must for most companies, but…. How many times have you thought that your brand doesn’t work on this Social Network? Normally the way to solve it is simple, at least to solve the main thing, and there are common mistakes that are very easy to […]
How to monetize your YouTube videos
Making money through social networks can often be complex, especially when it comes to knowing where to start or how to achieve our goal in the time we have proposed. To be more specific, today we are going to talk about the most important and well-known social network of videos in the world. It has […]
Why is it so important to prioritize mobile devices?
As is well known, not only by news, studies or data, but for the simple reason that we see it in our daily lives, mobile devices have revolutionized, first, our way of communicating. But also our way of informing ourselves, interacting with each other, and consuming products and services. An online store gets can easily […]
Top PrestaShop SEO modules you need to know
As we know, web positioning and specifically organic positioning or SEO, has become one of the pillars for any website to increase the visibility of their services or products. In this post, we’re going to focus on eCommerce or online stores. That is, those websites that are dedicated to selling products online. And specifically, those […]
What is Promotional Marketing. And examples
Promotional marketing consists of a series of strategies that aim to achieve the sale of certain products and services or even customer loyalty You’ve probably witnessed this type of strategy on numerous occasions, especially on social networks. It is a set of marketing actions through which articles are promoted, or, it is intended that the […]
The most interesting logistics operators for ecommerce
The services related to ecommerce are something that is constantly growing and evolving, due to the continuous process of innovation that the online market involves. In addition, there is a whole market of services that derive directly from the existence and proliferation of online stores. Among them, we can talk about logistics for ecommerce and […]
PPC or Pay per Click in Digital Marketing
When we want to launch a marketing strategy to promote a series of objectives that we have set, among all the variants that we can use within the promotion of payment we have the PPC or Pay Per Click. As its name suggests, it is a type of advertising in which the chosen payment model […]
International SEO: What it is and how to do it
Table of contents1 How to do International SEO2 International SEO. What is it?2.1 Is it necessary for your online store to be international?3 How to position in other countries3.1 Country-specific keywords3.2 Original content for each country3.3 Do content marketing with international SEO3.4 Define your customer according to their country3.5 Take care of the web structure4 […]
How to create the right subject for your newsletter
As we already know, Email Marketing is a feature that is used within the Digital Marketing and is based on sending emails, with news, discounts or information to get both, our loyal customers and potential future customers, are fully informed with what we consider relevant topics. In this way, they’ll have all the necessary information […]
Top 5 SEO Mistakes
Listing all the mistakes that damage SEO would take me an encyclopedia. But it’s not difficult to list the most common ones, and the ones that bring the most disastrous results. If you suspect you might be making any of them, don’t miss this Top 5 SEO mistakes. Not only will I talk about them, but […]
What is Cross Docking and how should it be used?
Surely many of you are wondering what is cross docking? In this post I want to explain this concept as well as its main features, advantages and disadvantages. Cross docking is a logistics tool or technique, which aims to promote cost savings, an increase in product quality and a decrease in delivery times. This greatly […]
What is Thin Content in SEO? And Why you Must Avoid it
Welcome to this new post of Innovadeluxe, this time I want to talk about thin content in SEO, in addition to its importance and how it can affect the organic positioning of your website. First a brief introduction: the content is one of the pillars of SEO of any website, because at the end of […]
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