Doofinder and PrestaShop Integration

Integrate the best internal search engine for your ecommerce

Thanks to our team of experts at Doofinder

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If you want to include a fast and functional internal search engine in your PrestaShop online shop, Doofinder is the solution. Not only will you enjoy its functionalities, but we can also make custom developments for an optimal functioning of your shop.

With Doofinder’s integration with PrestaShop, finding products in your online shop will be easier.

What is Doofinder and what is it for in your PrestaShop shop?

Intelligent Search Engine

Intelligent search engine

Just choose one of their designs and apply it. In addition, its appearance can be modified via CSS. Not only that, you can also customise the order of the products displayed after the search.

Responsive Custom Design

Responsive custom design

It adapts to the mobile experience offering a fast, effective and 100% responsive search. Important, because users are increasingly using internal mobile search engines to find what they want.

Real Time Statistics

Real-time statistics

Your dashboard allows you to see the most searched for products, the most viewed products and even their conversion rate in real time. This helps you make any improvements you want to make to Doofinder’s settings to increase sales.

What will you get with our Doofinder integration service with PrestaShop?

Although its installation is simple, we help you to configure Doofinder for PrestaShop, so you can make use of all its functionalities.

In fact, in order to get more out of what is currently one of the best internal search engines on the market, we make custom developments to extend or personalise these functionalities.

This would be the case of our Doofinder module by customer group with which you can associate a search layer to that customer group, configure the different layers in Doofinder in a much faster way and something very important to increase the conversion rate, to get discount price alerts in the searches.

With customised solutions like this one, created by our Doofinder experts, you not only help users find what they are looking for, but you also offer them an enhanced experience. The more you customise the functions of this intelligent search engine, the more useful Doofinder’s integration with PrestaShop will be for understanding the search intentions of potential customers. Essential to optimise your online shop’s conversions.

Do you want to have a fast and functional internal search engine for PrestaShop? We manage the integration for you.

Custom development for Doofinder in PrestaShop

We are experts in Doofinder

As Doofinder experts, we know this e-commerce search engine well. Therefore, to its autocomplete functions when the user types, we can add product suggestions, show advertising banners in the search layer, etc. We can add many more or improve the existing ones, if that’s all you need.

Users are often in a hurry. And especially in large ecommerce, no matter how well organised their menu or filters are, they just want to see their desired product. The more personalised the experience of searching and finding results, the better. A satisfied user is more likely to make a purchase.

Programming to extend Doofinder functionality to large e-commerce sites

This is very important if you are an ecommerce with a large number of products. In that case, it is quite possible that the service layer does not meet your needs to get the most out of this internal search engine.

However, thanks to our custom developments, you can ask us for what you need, or let us assess how the search engine can be improved, so that your users’ experience is 100% positive and your sales increase.

Because at the end of the day, that is the functionality of Doofinder: to increase your sales, because your potential customers will not be walking around the shop to find what they want.

Customise search results

For all the reasons mentioned in the previous points, customising the search results of your internal search engine is essential. And something that Doofinder offers you.

In some ecommerce sites it may be sufficient to use the functionality that is already integrated. But in other cases, a customised development can be applied to optimise it. This is ideal so that your business strategy can be integrated into the internal search engine.

You can choose, for example, which products come out first, if they are the ones that sell the most. Imagine the possibilities of having your own “Google” in the shop, where you set the rules and customise it according to your goals.

Contact us, tell us what your business is about and how you would like us to help you.

We will make a complete feasibility study of the project and you will have free personalised advice so that your project starts correctly and you will soon achieve your objectives.

Where and at what times you can reach us:


Calle de la Princesa 31, Plata 2, Puerta 2.
28008 Madrid, Spain

Torrejón de Ardoz

Avenida Cristóbal Colón 10, Planta 1.
28850 Madrid, Spain

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (mainland Spain)

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