Email Marketing has become over time a tool with great importance in the world of Digital Marketing. That is why it is necessary to be clear about the steps to create an Email Marketing campaign with which to achieve the goals we have set for our Ecommerce. Today we are going to talk about the steps that we must know for any mailing campaign.
Table of contents
Email Marketing Campaigns
To create a good email marketing campaign it is necessary to follow a series of steps through which you will achieve your objectives. The first thing you should be clear about is that email marketing has many different functions, depending on what you want to do. It is not the same to send information to a customer who is subscribed to our website as it is to send a Newsletter with the latest news about everything related to our business.
Therefore, before creating any campaign you must be clear about what you want to achieve with it, so that you can then carry out the steps to be taken.
Define the objectives
The first step to follow when creating a campaign is to be clear about what you want to send and who you want to receive it. Therefore, it is important that you are clear about the type of information you want to send, for example, information about a new product you are going to launch, the new customers you want to get, a discount for your most loyal customers, etc.
The second part of this first step is to know to whom you want to send this information. For example, a discount that is being given on the sale of a new product that has been released. You would have to know if it is better to send it to customers you want to reach new ones or those who are subscribed as a benefit of their subscription. This can be summed up with two simple questions to answer when you carry out this first step of your mailing campaign.
- what do I want my campaign to talk about?
- who do I want to send my email marketing campaign to?
Segmenting the database
The next step in the mailing campaign, which has to do with something we have already done, is to create a list of people who will receive our campaign. To do this, the first thing to do is to answer the question we asked ourselves earlier. Then we will look at our complete list of customers, and knowing what we want the campaign to be about, we will select the specific people who will receive our email.
This list may be made up of customers who know us little, those who are subscribed, our suppliers to tell them about our company… Once we have done this segmentation of the database, let’s go to the third step.
Designing the Email Marketing campaign
The next step we are going to carry out is the planning and creation of the design of our email. This can take many different forms, we can create a Newsletter, for example. Therefore, we will choose the program that best suits us to create this design that we will later publish.
To do this, we think about the colors, the typography and the style we want to give it and what we want to transmit in what our clients will see. We select the images, write the texts that we want to appear always showing our brand image. Once we have done this email we move on to the next step.
Sending the e-mails
Next we choose an application in which we can program the sending of the Email Marketing campaign in a massive way. We prepare the aesthetics that we want to see when recipients enter the email. We select the previously created list of people to whom the email will be sent and finally we select the time and day we want our email marketing campaign to be received.
In this process, there is an important point to take into account, as it can be what makes the campaign a success or a disaster. This point is getting into the SPAM folder in the inbox of our customers. Therefore, you must always avoid that your mailing campaigns end up in this folder.
Analysis of the results of the Email Marketing campaign
The last step, but not the least, is the step after the whole Email Marketing campaign has been carried out. What we have to do in this last step is to analyze how the campaign has worked, to maintain or eliminate different things for future campaigns. For this analysis we can see different data that will help us to improve little by little in our future campaigns.
We can analyze how the sending time has worked, if it has been seen a lot or not, to change it in future cases. Another thing that can be analyzed are the different graphs that we can find about how many people have opened it in total, how long they have been reading it, if they have visited external pages that appear in the email, etc.
These are the 5 steps to follow to create a good Email Marketing campaign, with which you can get many new customers, but also get the loyalty of all those who visit you. Make a previous approach of what you want, carry it out and do not forget to analyze the results after sending the mailing campaign. We recommend that you follow these tips and let us know how you have done.
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